How to create a Personalized News Feed with Tipp:
A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, staying informed can be challenging. With countless articles, newsletters, and reports flooding your inbox, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where Tipp comes in. Tipp turns your favorite content into a personalized podcast, making it easier to stay updated on the go. In this guide, we'll show you how to create your first personalized news feed with Tipp.

Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up Your Account

The first step is to sign up for a Tipp account. If you haven't done that yet, head over to our sign up page to get started. Once that is done, you can use the application on your iOS or Android device. You can find the links to your stores right here.

Step 2: Add a new tag

Once you're all set up, head over to the Queue tab. You'll find a '+' icon on the top left of the screen. This icon allows you to make a new tag. Select 'news topic' as the type of tag. This indicates to Tipp that it needs to keep track of that topic automatically.

The screenshot shows an example of a feed that keeps track of parakeets. If you're big on birds, tech topics or political news, just add the keyword you want to track and Tipp will start tracking it for you.

Step 3: Add an article from the feed to your queue

You can add articles from the feed to your personal queue by pressing the '+' icon on the item. If you want to make sure the article is actually of interest, you can also press the entire item and this will open your browser.

Once an article has been added to your own queue it won't show in the feed anymore. New items will be added to your feed automatically by Tipp.

tipp queue tab with newsfeed
Step 4: Create a podcast and get informed

Once you have some articles that are lined up on a specific tag, you can start the podcast creation. Head over to the 'editor' tab. Press the play button of the topic you want to listen to for Tipp to start creating a new podcast episode. The progress bar will start showing once Tipp starts creating an article.

Once the episode is fully created, it will be available on the podcast tab.


Creating your personalized news feed with Tipp is quick, easy, and incredibly rewarding. By organizing and converting your favorite content into a podcast, Tipp helps you stay on top of your interests no matter how busy your schedule gets.

Ready to give it a try? Sign up today and start building your custom news feed with Tipp!